
Are you going to have a baby this fall? Well, congratulations! Now, you must be looking for ideas to plan the perfect baby shower. How about a fall inspired theme for the shower then? You can do a lot with the earthy colors that represent fall. Plus, pumpkins are alone good enough to pull off the cutest fall baby shower ever. Here we have a few more tips to make your fall baby shower a success!

Treat or Treat: Cupcakes All The Way

Cute little cupcakes are always great for baby showers. You might have considered pumpkin pies as treats for the party, which is obviously a classic one. However, we love the idea of plain cupcakes with cute pumpkin frosting on top of those. As far as frosting and toppings are concerned, you always get the first pick! Since it is a fall themed party, try thinking of the cutest things about fall that you love and relate most to. It can be the fallen leaves or acorns, or anything else you love. Just don't forget to add the flavor of the season to the shower, visually.

Pump up the Party: Pumpkins and Produces

Of course it has struck in your mind already, hasn't it? This is the classic way to decorate a fall themed baby shower, or any party for that matter. Whether it is a real pumpkin or a decor piece, there has to be something there. You can use your decor from last Halloween or thanksgiving. You can find fresh and cute ways to give a spin to the traditional fall decorations and turn your baby shower into a rendition of the famous autumn celebrations. It never gets old. Everyone loves the season and the decorations, no matter how common those might be.

Baby Corner: The Cutest of Them All

Make sure to include a baby corner, table-top or wall, or anything that you find interesting, to honor the arrival of the little one. You can get some of the baby products that you have already purchased and put those together in one corner. It can also be the gift corner for your party. When you are setting it up, make sure to include all the bright fall colors. The corner, or the place can be a representation of the autumn produces. You can also hang some baby products to make a banner. For example, if you have bought some food pocket bibs, particularly in autumn colors, you can hang those with clothespins along with some tiny clothes. It will look cute for sure.


Source by Mehnaz S Tabassum