

Do you have a sell sheet for your self-published book? Do you not have one because you believe that it won't help you sell more books? Understanding the myths and misperceptions that many self-publishers have about the role of their book's sheet can dramatically improve a book's overall success. Having a well-prepared and professional-looking one for your book will go a long way to prove to the distributors, wholesalers, and bookstore retailers that you are serious about the success of your book. If they believe that you have the ability and stamina to market your book for an extended period of time, they will be more willing to take a chance on you and your book. In this list I dispel the most common myths that I hear from other self-publishers.

Myth #1.

I Don't Need A One Because I Use A Distributor To Sell My Book

Having your book with a distributor is great. The distributor will handle many of the challenges of getting your book onto the shelves of bookstores and into libraries. They will contact the stores, negotiate purchasing when possible, and lower a lot of the barriers you would face on your own. Working with distributors can truly be an advantage. Even if a distributor is doing much of the heavy lifting for you, the distributor still expects you to be very involved in the marketing of your book. Your sell sheet, which you create, offers your book's information the way that you want it presented – in the best light possible.

Myth #2.

I Don't Need One Because I Don't Sell My Book Directly To Consumers (And My Clients)

You may not sell your book directly to consumers. Your book may only be available on Amazon. Or maybe your book is on Lightning Source, and they manage your sales and distribution to Amazon and to all other retailers. But if you have any hopes of selling more than a handful of books each month, you will need to start taking the marketing of your book seriously. A sell sheet is not only read by retailers, wholesalers, and libraries. Consumers will also look at your book's sheet to help them learn more about your book. Retailers and wholesalers need to see your sheet to help them decide if they want to carry your book or not. If they do accept your book, their sales team will use your sheet to help them sell your book. They will also need it when they are assembling their catalog. Library purchasing departments will need your book's sell sheet to also help them decide if your book is appropriate for their patrons. For consumers, and your clients, you can put a PDF of your sell sheet on your website.

Myth #3.

I Don't Need One Because I Constantly Promote My Book On Social Media

Social networking and media websites are very useful, and they should play an important role in your marketing plan. But you should only choose two or three to focus your efforts on. But there is a big problem with relying too heavily on social media. You do not own that space. However, you can control your own blog, your own website, and all of your marketing material. So be smart, and own all of your marketing materials, and control where that material is used. No social media site can take that away from you – ever. Remember, one of the main reasons that you got into self-publishing in the first place was to control your own fate. Never forget that.

Myth #4.

I Don't Need One Because Readers Will Find Me When They Need (Or Want) My Book

I hope that by this stage of the game you know that this is not true. Creating a financially successful book takes a lot more than hoping for the best to magically happen. It would be great that your book is needed and desired by the reader. But there are some basic ways to attract the buyer/reader. First of all, you must have a great book. Its content must be very easy to read and also provide great information that really helps the reader better their life and business. Its cover must also look amazing. These are fundamental rules. The next rule is that you must remind people they need your book, or else you will be overlooked and forgotten. A sell sheet plays an important part of this process. It is just that simple. You must understand that they are not just for selling. It is just one part of your marketing plan. Don't leave money on the table by not having one.


I hope this discussion helped dispel some of the myths and misperceptions about using a sell sheet. You must remember that a sell sheet can be used on its own, but it must be included in your book's media kit. Together they form an integral part of your overall marketing plan. As a new self-publisher you will quickly come to understand that you are also a marketer. Self-publishing and marketing go hand-in-hand – especially if you have any hope of being successful at it.


Source by Joseph C Kunz, Jr