
Kids love water from the bathtub to the garden hose, and from the water table to the pool. Since water has always been a fascinating thing for kids of all ages of course there are tons of products on the market to enhance the experience. From bath toys and rubber ducks to climbing walls and floating basketball nets, water toys are always fun and always readily available just about anywhere.

Little ones like the squirting and splashing of toys made for the bathtub even if they're in a pool and don't forget the many, many different baby floats, little boats and learn to swim aids that you can buy. For many parents, having the float with the built in sun guard, canopy or little roof is a bonus as it cuts down on the sun's rays and also the glare of the sun coming off the water itself. Baby can be shaded while bobbing around with mom or dad.

As kids get older they can trade in the floating boat for a flutter board or pool noodle as they learn to swim. Of course kicking legs while holding onto the side of the pool works too but with the flutter board you can actually move around! And who doesn't like the versatility of the pool noodle? It can do so much and is so simple and easy to use, every pool must have these ingenious creations.

Boats and floaties are always fun, and as the kids get older many want to play their favourite sports like volleyball and basketball right in the pool. Nowadays, companies have come out with things like rock climbing walls to further up the fun value in a pool and of course there are always diving boards and slides that are great fun in the summer months.

We have already established that pools are fun and great place to enjoy yourself, but of course safety must always be at the forefront. It takes no time at all to drown in a pool, especially for young kids. The first thing is to make sure the pool area is totally fenced in with a gate that is locked at all times and cannot be opened by anyone but an adult. Second is to never, ever leave kids unattended even for ‘just a minute'. And young children and babies should never be more than an arm's length from a responsible adult, at any time in the pool or deck area.


Source by Amanda J Hales