
You've decided it's time to buy patio furniture. You're not the sort to go rushing to the nearest store, slap your credit card on the counter ask for whatever durable, sturdy outdoor furniture happens to be available a the moment. No, you're the sort of person who has a distinct sense of style. In the ages-old dialectic between form and function, you think form should lead.

What is a Mosaic? Furthermore, you have visual flair. You may not know exactly what you want yet, but you'll most likely know it when you see it. Take a look at mosaic patio furniture. Mosaic is the art of creating images with little bits of stone, glass, pottery or other colorful material. Little tiles, called tesserae (or tessellae if they're smaller) are used to create a pattern or picture-that's a mosaic.

It can sometimes be raised to the level of fine art, but in the case of outdoor tables, decorative art in the service of furniture design will do just fine. Mosaic patio furniture may be the way to go for you.

Mosaic Patio Furniture There are a lot of different ways to construct mosaic patio furniture. Some are made of wood, ranging from a cheap, short-lived southern pine patio set to exotic, durable teak and mahogany. Other patio sets are made of metal, with wrought iron and cast aluminum generally being the materials of choice among the aesthetically pleasing options.

Commercially available mosaic patio furniture is usually constructed from wrought iron or cast aluminum. Wrought iron and cast aluminum can look very similar and either can look great as mosaic patio furniture, but bear in mind one thing. Mosaic patio furniture is not as weather resistant as the same patio set without the mosaic would be.

Different materials respond to temperature differently, expanding or contracting at different rates. With three different materials – the glass, stone or pottery of the tesserae or tessellae, the grout that holds the tesserae or tessellae together, and the material the outdoor tables themselves are made from all expand and contract at different rates. This can cause breakage, so bear in mind that when you choose mosaic patio furniture, you're making a commitment to put it away during inclement weather.

Mosaic Patio Furniture Construction Tabletops for outdoor tables can be made of different materials and aren't necessarily made of only wrought iron. Stone tabletops, such as marble or slate, can make for a strikingly beautiful combination with the mosaic and wrought iron.

The mosaic is assembled by setting the tesserae into the grout. Often, this is done by hand rather than by machine. Once the mosaic is finished, it is very important to seal it with a Fluorocarbon, which is an industrial-grade sealant. Some blistering of the silicone top sealant and ageing of the materials may occur, but your mosaic tabletop will be reasonably durable.

Caring For Your Mosaic Patio Furniture Mosaic outdoor tables show wear in various ways. Small cracks in grout, small holes in stone surfaces, and oxidation are commons signs of weathering, and will happen eventually regardless of the mosaic patio furniture's quality.

Typical maintenance should include cleaning your mosaic patio furniture with soap and water. Spills should be wiped up immediately to avoid staining. Be careful to use only mild soap, and not detergents or chemicals, as the latter will most likely damage the tabletops' protective coating.

You should wash the wrought iron or aluminum frame with a mild soap, and water, also. Make sure you rinse it and dry it thoroughly. Remember, iron rusts. It's a good idea to treat the frames with liquid wax, as it will protect our mosaic patio furniture from ultraviolet light. Be careful not to use abrasives or chemicals as they may damage the finish.

As materials go, mosaic is not as durable as fine teak, so you most likely will have to make sure you take reasonable care of it. Your mosaic patio furniture will bring you beauty and grandeur for years to come if cared for properly.


Source by Frobie Ernest