
The best way to buy mattresses is when they are on sale – that's certainly common sense. Mattress sales can allow you to purchase mattresses that are normally more expensive at deep discounts so that you truly get the best quality mattress for your money. There's so much that a mattress does for good health; not only does a good quality mattress keep your spine and neck aligned to promote better posture and to guard against stiff necks an aching backs, but it also helps you to sleep better – and better sleep leads to better health. A bad mattress can be a real drain on your energy and can lead to lots of problems beyond the bedroom. You should replace your mattress at minimum every decade, but many people will want to replace their mattresses more often, especially if they don't have a good quality mattress in the first place.

When you find advertised mattress sales, follow these tips to make sure you're getting the best mattress for your hard-earned dollar.

Test the product. You wouldn't buy a car without first taking it for a spin, so don't invest in a mattress unless you can physically lie down on the mattress and get a “feel” for how well you will sleep on it.

Buy the firmness that you're accustomed to. If you normally sleep well on a soft mattress, don't choose a firmer mattress (or vice versa) just because it's on sale or because the salesperson is pushing it. Choose a mattress that will support your body in the manner that promotes better sleep for you – not for the average person.

Consider stain guard fabrics. Even when slept on by adults only, mattresses are prone to staining, so stain guard fabrics are ideal and don't add that much to the overall cost of a mattress.

If you tend to sweat at night, choose a mattress that is made with a breathable material that will allow for a cooler sleep.

Demand a warranty. All good mattresses will have a warranty that guarantees the mattress from defects in workmanship or from showing early signs of wear. Ideally, you should have a warranty of at least five years on your mattress set, perhaps even longer for more expensive mattresses.

Decide if you need a box spring. Oftentimes, the top mattress is all that needs to be replaced. If your box spring is in good shape, there's no need to toss it out with your new mattress – even if the mattress sales that you find offer both box spring and mattress together – you can negotiate to purchase the top mattress only.


Source by Matt Connelly