
I have heard a lot of Lisa Messenger on social media. I had not read any of her books and did not even have the background of her magazines. I was not sure what to expect.

Life & Love was given to me as a gift and it felt like the right book just from looking at the cover. My mentor picked this with my growth in mind and she was spot on. The art work is beautiful, the cover and pages spill adoration to the reader's eyes and it really makes you feel the need to drink in the positivity.

I started reading on Sunday night, expecting to read a chapter before bed. I was over half way through and very tired when I stopped. I was hooked from the start and in awe with her way with words. Lisa draws you in with the love that she truly shares with every thought, message and struggle that she shares.

This book came to me on a very flat day and it was incredible that I could choose parts from this book that made me want to feel ‘unapologetically, deliriously happy' as Lisa would say.

No-where does it appear this is all from one person. Recognition is shared very freely. The gratitude for the guidance of role models is affectionately expressed and lessons shared to make you realise that we are not alone in our daily struggles with work or family life.

I feel that this book almost gives us permission to take time to learn about our true self and reach great achievements, all while wearing your heart on your sleeve. With the encouragement to explore different chapters of my life, I weave my way through this story with no end or expectation in mind and I submit to whatever may come.

The chapter on Attitude and Gratitude gave me thought to my mind space and what I focus on.

Confidence made me realise that really it does not take much for us to lose what appears to be effortless.

Friends and Family reminded me that we take what is most dear for granted.

Love, Love, Love is a sweet reminder of how it was and also of where we choose to be.

Every chapter including these and more, has something that I fell in love with and I was more than happy for it to happen. I feel however that people will take what they need and depending your mindset on the day, the book will offer your dose of positivity, creativity and beauty.

Before even finishing, I have ordered another of these books as well as purchasing my first Collective Hub magazine. I am smitten and I am sure you will be too. I cannot imagine anyone who would not fall in love with this book and in turn with Lisa.


Source by Brenda Lee Mitchell