
After many nights of restlessness and mornings spent waking up with back pain, you may be considering buying a new mattress. According to Consumer Reports, you should replace your mattress every ten years. If now is the time to toss your worn-out bed and purchase one that will enhance your quality of sleep, consider these helpful tips on choosing the right mattress.

How to Choose the Right Mattress

When choosing the right mattress for yourself or your family, you'll need to consider the following points:

• Health-needs

• Budget

• Material Type

• Firmness

Know Your Needs

The first step in choosing the right mattress is to do some research into your own sleep needs. According to Spine-Health, you may spend more than one-quarter of your life in your bed – shouldn't the bed be suited to your specific needs? A mattress is an investment in your health. According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, insufficient sleep can put you at a greater risk for diseases and other health problems.

Any spine or other health-related issues should be factored into your mattress decision. Before you begin your search, speak with your doctor and ask for their advice on which mattress will provide the support your body needs.

Stick to a Budget

Just because a mattress is an investment in your health, it doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune. Mattress prices will range due to size, brand and material type; however, you can still find an affordable option that meets the budget you set.

Determine Your Firmness Level

From traditional spring coils to adjustable models, there are plenty of mattress options to choose from. The most important feature though is firmness. Different sleep positions require different levels of firmness for optimal comfort. Is the mattress firm? That's the ideal choice for stomach and back sleepers. If you're a side sleeper, a soft mattress will ensure the best sleep. Consider your weight when selecting firmness. The level of firmness should be increased with the weight of the sleeper to adjust for potential sinkage.

Find the Mattress of Your Dreams

A mattress is a purchase that you'll use each night and it's important that you select the option that maximizes your comfort. If you know your health needs, stick to a budget and understand whether you want your mattress soft or firm, choosing the right mattress will be nothing to lose sleep over.


Source by Jordan Cooper