
Is your mattress starting to smell like a wet dog? This is nothing new to the mattress cleaning business. Many people sleep with their pet dogs. Since dog hair can easily accumulate dirt, sweat and grime, your dog can transfer all of those to your mattress and your mattress will start to stink.

The first thing you need to consider is getting your dog its own mattress. While it is nice to sleep with them, dog hair can cling to your bedding and this might cause allergic reactions to other people. In addition to that, you are at risk of bacterial infections.

To clean your mattress and get rid of dog smell, follow these steps:

Step 1: Take your mattress outside, preferably to an open space. Put the mattress on a clean platform. Get a vacuum cleaner and vacuum all sides of the mattress until you couldn't find pet hair. Remove as much visible hair as possible.

Step 2: Mix one cup of white vinegar with two cups of lukewarm water. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can always substitute it with citrus juice such as lemon juice. Mix it carefully and then put it in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on all sides of the mattress. Leave it there for at least one hour. This solution will help freshen up your mattress and disinfect it. Lemon juice and vinegar actually have disinfecting qualities.

Step 3: After an hour, get a clean towel and dampen it with clean water. Wring out the excess moisture so you will not soak your mattress through. Wipe the surface of the mattress with the damp towel. This will remove some of the solution you used in Step 2.

Step 4: Get loose baking soda and sprinkle it on all sides of the mattress. If you have plastic or paper wrap, use it to wrap around the mattress. This will help insulate baking soda. This ingredient helps in diffusing any kind of mattress smell. In addition to that, it also helps get rid of stains and soils.

Step 5: After one hour, vacuum the mattress once again to remove baking soda residues. Your mattress should smell fine by now. But to complete the cleaning process, leave it to dry completely in a nice sunny place. The sun's UV rays can help further in getting rid of unwanted germs and bacteria.

Your mattress is now clean. You can carry it back to your room and then put on fresh bed sheets.


Source by Zach Smith