
The first thought that comes to our mind while buying a mattress is whether it will provide a comfortable sleep. Once you invest in a good mattress it becomes equally important to maintain them properly in order to make them last longer. While no mattress last forever, one can extend its life by following some basic steps.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of a Mattress

The lifespan of a mattress depends on certain things like how well you care for it, the type and quality of material used in making them. Innerspring mattress last around 10 years, the higher quality foam mattress can even last for 15 years and hybrid ones are a combination of coils and foams and hence, their lifespan depends on the durability of the material used.

Steps to Make your Mattress Last Longer

  1. Protective Covering: Putting a protective cover on mattress can prove to be a game changer. However neat and tidy you keep your bed, but accidents and spills may happen anytime. A waterproof protector ensures nothing goes from your duvet to your mattress to ruin it. A snug fit protector will save your protector from moving with every movement.
  2. Forbid Bouncing on Mattress: Jumping on the bed as fun puts pressure on the mattress and eventually damages it. The mattress is designed to give sound sleep and cannot bear these unnecessary pressures for long.
  3. Rotate and Flip the Mattress on Regular Intervals: Sleeping on the same spot daily can damage the mattress from that particular area. Rotating and flipping the mattress once in a while is key to keep the mattress in good shape. Rotate your mattress 1800 when the season changes.
  4. Avoid Eating in Bed: Watching TV while munching in bed might seem harmless to most of us, but the tiny crumbs that we scatter and escape our eyes can attract bedbugs. If at all you are going to eat in your bed make sure that you change your sheets frequently.
  5. Vacuum Clean your Mattress: Remove all the linens from the bed and vacuum clean your mattress at least two to three times a year. Spending a little extra time on the seams where most of the build-up tends to settle will help in preventing dust and allergens to settle.
  6. Keep Pets away from your Bed: Letting pets snuggle in bed is an open invitation to the germs, bugs, bacteria and hairs in your bed. Parasites like hookworm and roundworm lay their eggs in the pet's hair, which can easily shed in your sheets inviting diseases.
  7. Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant: To remove the excess moisture from the mattress due to sweating and humidity, place the mattress in sunlight for two to three hours on a bright sunny day. This also helps in keeping the dust mites population in check.
  8. Follow Manufacturer's Cleaning Instructions: To keep your sleeping environment clean and your mattress healthy, wash your mattress as the directions given in the user manual. Soap solution in mild water is good enough for most of stains, but ensure the mattress is completely dry before making the bed. To maintain the foam integrity, avoid using harsh chemical cleaners.


Source by Shalini M