
Water is all around us. We use water everyday for many different reasons. Our bodies main ingredient is water, making up over 70% of all the molecules in our bodies. Water is also the basic building block of life on earth. Without it, we would not exist. Even though, water covers over 70% of the surface of the earth, not all of that water is drinkable. There is only about 3% fresh drinking water on earth. This is why water conservation is very important and will become even more important in the near future. In 2010, many companies and organizations are promoting water conservation.

The Mono Lake Community in California has started a new campaign this year to help residence make the conservation of water fun and increases awareness. They have door hangers to print out via website to put on other residence front door to both applaud them and show other residence that they have taken an initiative in conserving the lakes waters. There is also another door hanger to print out to let a resident know, that someone has noticed an issue with the water usage of a resident and introduce tips on how to fix the excessive water use problem.

UC Berkley has designed a campus energy and water campaign they call “WATCH US GO GREEN.” They have created several posters with a WWI and WWII retro feel, to educate and encourage students and staff to conserve energy and water around campus. The posters have tips on how everyone can do their part on campus to conserve water and energy.

The Coke products company is sponsoring a campaign called “Half Bucket Water Conservation Campaign.” This campaign is geared toward educating young people about conserving water resources using cartoons and other animations to make learning about water conservation fun and interesting. This campaign is co-sponsored by the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation in Hong Kong or OPCFHK for short.

These is only three different initiatives taken on in late 2009 and the start of 2010. There are many others campaigns starting up all the time. With the conservation of water awareness on the rise, we hope it will spark much more interest in the efficient use of our earths' most precious natural resource, water.


Source by Jason Levinsohn