You've seen them. They're everywhere. And they're a critical feature of a haunt. Zombies? Nope. Fire extinguishers. Every haunts needs them. And not just one that you dug out from the back of your garage. They need to be properly placed, in good working order and, even more important, the staff/crew needs to know how to use them.

What are the top five things every haunter should know about fire extinguishers? Funny you should ask. Here they are:

5. Fire extinguishers should be placed at every exit. It is always better to have too many than not enough.

4. There should be a flashlight placed next to each fire extinguisher. Preferably, a flashlight that glows in the dark so it's easy to find during a power outage. Strategically placed glow in the dark tape can also aid in this regard. Every actor and crew member should also carry a small flashlight on their person in the event of a power outage.

3. Haunts need to have 2A10 BC Fire Extinguishers. They can be purchased at a hardware store such as Lowes and/or Home Depot. They also need to be serviced annually. The fire marshal will probably (hopefully) check the date on the fire extinguisher to be sure it's up to code. If you purchase them at Home Depot or Lowes, make sure to tape a copy of the receipt to the extinguishers which makes them good for a year. After they are serviced, the extinguisher company will tag them with an update.

2. The fire extinguishers need to be easily accessible. They should be placed just above door knob height so everyone can reach them and in a place where people won't set things in front, on or around them. The staff/crew at the haunt needs to know how to use them. They also know the following PASS system of fire extinguisher operations.

  1. Pull the pin to discharge the extinguisher.
  2. Aim at the BASE of the flames.
  3. Squeeze the top handle or lever to release the extinguishing foam.
  4. Sweep from side to side on the fire until it goes out.

1. The most important thing about fire extinguishers is to make sure that everyone on site knows that the first rule of fire safety is that exiting the premises is far more important than fighting a fire. Getting out of the building is the first priority and they should only attempt to put out the fire if it is small and manageable.

Source by Carolyn J Carpenter