
Having taken time to review the Avant home business it brings up some very interesting thoughts and conclusions as to whether Brent Payne and his new personal development company is a viable income opportunity.

Brent Payne himself has, as far as can be seen, a very successful business record when it comes to direct sales, internet marketing and business start ups.

A Brief History

After spending quite a few years selling discount travel packages he then went on to form the company Liberty League International some 9 years ago along with business partner Shane Krider.

Liberty league International was in its particular market extremely successful. The business itself Comprised of direct selling personal development products starting with a home study course and then following onto 3 and 5 day personal growth conferences.

The products themselves came with large up front profits enabling the associate to build quite a profitable income in a fairly short space of time especially when you hold it up to a traditional MLM type business where years rather than months are needed to see a decent return.

By 2009 though, Liberty League International had run into some regulatory troubles due to the business not being completely legal in certain countries. It should be noted that Brent Payne by this time had retired from the company to pursue other interests.

With this in mind the company changed its name to Polaris Media Group for a while and then as of late to Polaris Global.

Since that time Brent Payne has been putting together the Avant Home Business and quite understandably he has modelled it very much on the original and successful Liberty League International business idea. Focussing on the huge market of personal development and the publics insatiable lust for a direct sales, up front profit type business model.

The Avant Business Model

The Avant income opportunity consists of 3 products beginning with Elevate, a 72 day home study program. Comprising of a whole host of features, the program is designed to elevate you as a person to another level over the 72 days, in terms of personal growth, spirituality and financial results. The product its self retails for $1595 and returns a profit of $1000 to the selling advisor. This is all backed up with a 72 day refund policy.

Next in the product line is Transform which is a 3 day conference that will be held every few months and always in exotic locations if Brent Payne's previous company is anything to go by. The conference itself will give the participant the opportunity to meet up with fellow Avant advisors as well as enjoy motivational speakers and various other events designed to raise your game in any area of your life. The price of $9495 includes entrance to all the events plus accommodation for 2 people. The profit to the selling advisor is $5000.

The final piece to the product line is Transcend. This will be very similar to the transform conference but instead lasts for 5 days rather than 3. To attend this event will cost $16495 and again is for 2 people with accommodation and the various events all included. The profit for the selling advisor is a healthy $10,000 up front.

Becoming Qualified

To become a selling advisor or to put it another way, be in a position to make money from the business all that is required is for you to either purchase one of the products yourself or pass up your first sale to your advisor. Once this is achieved you then are able to keep all subsequent profits on anything sold..

There is a residual side to the business that was always missing from the Liberty League model. Here you are able to make an income on up to 4 levels deep of your organization. Which if successful could be as profitable as your upfront profits. But in my experience very few people ever achieve any sort of residual income from any type of business that they can retire on. I think with the Avant home business the large up front profits that are paid directly to you as the advisor is going to be a much more attractive proposition.

Final Words

In closing having looked at the Avant home business and seeing that it is being run by Brent Payne who obviously knows how to make a direct sales business opportunity within the personal development market a success, I would have to say that it is a very tempting proposition. Of course there are no guarantees that you will make any money with this but that is true of any business opportunity out there. Already though you can see that some significant money is being made with this company by the individuals involved with it, even at this early stage.


Source by Nicholas Squires