
New year new me, most of us succumb to making new resolutions to begin a new year, but how many stick to out plans?

Well this year will be different for me. I am so fired up with good intentions will not let them melt away due to procrastination or lack of lack of ambition. I have been ill for two years following falls,broken bones and vertigo, probably the result of a head injury. After my headaches cleared, it felt wonderful, no dizziness, nausea and even my balance problems were improving, wonderful!

However three months of euphoria and vertigo returned, I was told it was prone to do so, luckily not as bad this time but I still cannot wear glasses without extreme nausea most of the time. Hence my laptop sits idle.

But no more will I accept defeat! Decorations are down and a new year begins. My vertigo often subsides in the evening, so for a few hours I can get online and resurrect my business, write my articles, and publish my book, which has laid dormant for months.

So no more TV in the evenings, week nights anyway and a concerted effort to rebuild my business, which I have always loved doing. The challenge is hugely exciting!

With a background in sales, marketing and teaching I will once again demonstrate to my followers how they can change their lives for the better too. My spirit isn't daunted, just frustrated so I will use this frustration to fire my success and move me forward again. An exciting year is just beginning!

Over the period I was inactive my website was hacked, so after processional cleaning I will begin again to rebuild it with stories to share, inspiring books to read, and much more.

My Mother in her 90s is now well, cooking shopping with help and looking after herself in her warden controlled flat. A very independent lady despite her years. She called a taxi and took herself off to her dentist a few weeks ago! She is an inspiration to us all and never gives up – despite how tricky life becomes!

So whatever problems last year dealt you, this is a new year; decide where you would like this new year to take you and I invite you to travel with me into the months ahead and we will make it the best year yet!

Some inspiration reading to start the year off:

An old favourite

“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dr Joseph Murphy – this will help you see most things are possible if you want them enough!

“How to be confident” by Anna Barnes – a Christmas present full of tips and quotes, a fun read.


Source by Anne O'Dwyer