
Explore your creative and imaginative skills

There are a lot of cheap decorating ideas around, especially for those who have some do-it-yourself skills. But even if you don't, you can still decorate your home in a unique way. Just don't be afraid to learn something new and to do something that you've never done before. After all, it can be such a thrilling experience!

So, let's start.

First, find out what exactly you would like to achieve by decorating your room.

Maybe you want to hide those ugly spots and cracks on the walls? Or to renew old furniture, or to get new window dressing? Maybe you feel like you need to change the entire room's appearance? When your goal is identified, you will know exactly what to look for.

Now let's go and look for inspiration…

Sometimes a small thing or event can give you inspiration and lead you in a new direction in your room decoration. It can be a picture, a photo in a home decor magazine that you saw in a store (by the way, you don't need to by one, just look through it for inspiration). It can even be a walk through a park in your neighborhood. A vacation trip is also an ideal way to get inspired and to return with new ideas about your home decoration. A trip to the sea, for example, could add a nautical theme to your home decor.

And Here Are Some Really Cheap Decorating Ideas

Gather old things you have at home and look through them: maybe you can transform them into decorative home accessories. For example:

* A bottle or a collection of bottles as a unique home décor

Do you have some empty bottles of wine, liquor, or juice with interesting shapes or colors? Arrange them on a shelf as a collection. You can also decorate them by painting them, or twine them with threads.

* Colored buttons collection for a wall decor

Do you have a collection of buttons of different sizes or colors? – With them, you can create an inexpensive piece of wall art. Just arrange them on a piece of fabric as you like, sew them down, then glue this fabric onto a piece of cardboard and frame it.

Variation: instead of framing them, you can create a cute decor on your old cushion with some brightly colored, large buttons.

* A piece of fabric as a beautiful, yet cheap wall decor

Sometimes we are left with one or two pieces of really beautiful fabrics and don't know how to use them: though they are not that small, their size doesn't allow for sewing any item from them. So how can we use them? The simplest way is to create an application on a pillow, on a shirt, and etc. But there is also another choice. Do you think you can hang only framed pictures on your walls? No! You can do the same with a piece of fabric. Stretch it on a wooden frame, staple it on and hang it on the wall-it really can be a piece of art!


Source by Alina Belchikov