
According to the urban survival manual, a war that is carried out in highly populated areas such as towns, cities and metro cities is known as “urban warfare”. This kind of warfare is very different to the conventional warfare in features such as planning and functioning. The unique features of urban warfare are the intricacy of the landscape and the involvement of civilians or the urban dwellers.

These urban dwellers take up the form of military residents who are armed and mostly go about in small groups so as to scare away the attackers and protect their homes. This tactic adopted by the civilians may make them look similar to the attackers which could land them into trouble.

In times of urban warfare, all kinds of arms and weapons are used without taking into consideration their disastrous outcomes. The urban setting can cause moderation in the use of combat techniques. For instance, it is highly illegal for the government's army to attack a residential area with a hefty number of soldiers.

The five tips to urban warfare survival as mentioned in the urban survival manual are as follows:

First of all, the technique of observation is the best tip to urban warfare survival. A person who is facing these life and death situations needs to be alert about his surroundings and his company. As observed throughout the years, most people are usually unaffected with what happens in their surroundings. This attitude can save one from a lot of trouble.

Second, face value holds much importance in these times. The urban survival manual highlights this tip as the most beneficial one. To show people that you have money one needs to carry a certain look, this exhibits inner confidence. It normally takes career oriented people years and years of practice and skill to master this look which will, in the end, save one from attackers.

Third, you should constantly be up to date about any developments in your immediate surroundings. This is a useful tip that can help you and your companions in warfare survival. One should be up to date with the present economic, political, and social scenario of your locale to avoid troubles or problems.

Fourth, the urban survival manual states that speaking your mind could be one of the biggest mistakes you can commit in times of urban warfare. Being overtly friendly or prudent can have serious consequences that could have serious consequences.

Finally, being prepared at all times is the key to survival during urban warfare. This gives you an edge over the not so concerned civilians. In this manner, you can save yourself and your family s well as possessions from being exploited.


Source by David M. Kingston