It's a double shower!

You are pregnant! Congratulations! Now it's time to head to your doctor's office and get a first look at your baby. Nothing is quite as exciting as that first ultrasound. But guess what? You're in for a surprise. It turns out that the bouncing bundle of joy you are so eager to meet actually has a companion. You are going to have twins! It is far too early to tell the genders yet, but the excitement you feel is contagious as you spread the news to your family that not only will there be an addition to the family, but, in fact there will be two!

Planning a baby shower is always an adventure, but when you're planning for two there are a few extra things to keep in mind.

One Theme? Or Two?

Baby showers for singleton children typically have a single theme, be it animals, or Disney or Dr Seuss. But when you're having two, why not double up on the theme? After all, there are two little beans to think of. Most commonly used is the idea of “Two Peas in a Pod,” because those two little sweet peas will be snuggled up so closely in Mommy's tummy. But if you are a fan of children's literature, how about “Thing 1 & Thing 2” the lovable characters from Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat? Another cute idea might be “The Perfect Pair.” Go wild. Make the theme your own. The key is to emphasize that this is a double party, whether you know the genders of your babies. If you do not know, and plan not to find out, the genders, be sure to keep the theme neutral. As a general rule, color scheme will provide guests with a good idea of whether your babies will be boys or girls.

The Table Sets the Mood

The greatest expenses incurred while having a baby are the big ticket items, like carseats, clothes, cribs, formula (if the mother is not planning breastfeeding), and diapers. Having two immediately doubles the expense. A great way to help out a mom -to-be of twins is to create attractive but functional table centerpieces for the party. Ever seen a diaper cake? It may sound bizarre but if you find the right way to do it, a diaper cake can not only be an incredibly interesting and attractive centerpiece, but it will be a conversation starter and most importantly it will help the new family cut back on one of the greatest baby expenses!

Other great table decoration ideas include things like small bottles of baby shampoos and soaps, baby lotions, diaper cream or baby powder. These may not sound glamorous but they can be dispersed amidst ribbons and other festive flairs to create a beautiful but functional display.

If you know they mommy-to-be doesn't intend to breastfeed, get as many bottles of formula as possible and make a standing pyramid, reminiscent of champagne fountains at more formal affairs.

It's All in the Decor

Remember, whether boy or girl (or a surprise) the theme is multiples Make sure the decorations match that theme Maintain the chosen color scheme but when decorating with balloon, for example, always bundle two together; two balloons tied to each chair, two streamers across the doorway, maybe even a double party hat on each plate. Yes, be silly and creative. Most showers include some sort of fun games, let the games double up as well. Whichever games or prizes you choose, make sure they match the theme both in color and number. If you can make the decorations serve as baby-related needs mommy-to-be might have, even better. Don't forget she will get stuck with all the decorations after the party is over. Decorate with baby blankets, rattles, cute twin themed clothes. You name it. Whatever mommy might need, see if you can bring it to the decor.

Do you want to create a shower people will continue to talk about even after Baby 1 and Baby 2 are out of diapers and in pre-school? Take some of these ideas and run with them. Make it a family event and the memory of that moment will last a lifetime.

Source by Cynthia Mymess