
Down comforter sets are known to be luxurious, and keep you nice and warm all winter long. They are pleasantly light, but have an excellent insulating quality. This is why you will find them in high-end hotels, where you will notice their plushness and their softness. You may, yourself, would like to have your down comforter, but are wondering whether if you should, and if so, what to look for.


So the big question is how better are down comforter versus synthetic comforters. The truth is that many synthetic comforters now offer a lightweight material with a very insulating level, comparable to down. However, when it comes to softness, there is no doubt about it, down comforters still win hands down. Down also has the natural properties of keeping you warm but being a material that breathe well too, so you never feel too hot or sweaty by the end of the night.


There are also some disadvantages to down comforters. One of them being allergies. Fortunately, not many people suffer from down allergies, but those who do will have symptoms such as running nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, asthma… Hence, for them, synthetic comforters are the best option for them. Also, good down comforters can be very pricey. Of course you can opt for a cheaper model, but remember that a high number of threads will make your comforter more durable, and will prevent dirt, dust and feathers from passing in an out the comforter.


So to the question, should you get one, well it depends. Down comforters are, hands down, the best ones on the market. However, you need to invest money on a quality one, with a high thread count and a high quality down. If you have a tight budget, it is preferable to fall back on a quality synthetic comforter than a low quality down comforter set.


Source by Amanda Le